Pet Health care – How we can all take steps to protect nature.
Thursday 22nd February 2024 – 6:30 to 8pm online on Zoom
Is preventative healthcare for pets
putting biodiversity at risk?
Find out what’s best for animals and the environment

Not only agricultural Neonicotinoids kill bees, but also the ones used on pets. Toxic levels have been measured in many British rivers. Modern pesticides pose unknown risks, a popular prescription flea and tick treatment causes toxic faeces for 3 month.
Antiparasitic drugs have a severe effect on the environment and affect microbiome or detox systems of the body. Drug resistance is an increasing problem and only responsible use can keep them working well when dealing with infestations and in high-risk situations.
Blanket treatment policies advocated by online sellers, pet stores and veterinary practices are not suitable to achieve this. Looking at a solution is what Vet Iris is passionate about.
Ectoparasites – In most cases not using prophylactic parasiticide treatments is possible. Key to avoid an infestation is to regularly monitor for fleas. Ticks need checking for after possible exposure. Preventative measures make sense while the burden is high.

Endoparasites: Wormers DO NOT prevent worms and are a burden to the gut microbiome. Tests for worms show if treatment is needed.
This talk provides in depth information and the option to ask questions. We also offer “holistic pet parasite risk assessments” as part of our Holistic Veterinary Health approach alongside our Holistic Referral Service. Please note that while we offer referral treatments for horses, we don’t offer equine and large animal Faecal Egg Counts because they are well established and readily available.